Tame Your Lower Back Pain with One Simple Movement

via supine bent knees on box

Have you ever experienced lower back pain (LBP) that makes you miss work or play? If the answer is yes, you are not alone.

Lower back pain is a major health issue globally. Some 540 million people suffer lower back pain at any one time.

International researchers recently found traditional treatment methods are “useless, unnecessary, and harmful.” The American College of Physicians recommends that you “stay active and wait it out.”

I do not pretend to know the answer to everyone’s lower back pain. I do know from personal experience that staying active is better than surgery. I had a laminectomy at L5-S1 in 1978. I discovered through trial and error that moving less is not helpful.

Many intelligent movements will help with lower back pain. I would like to introduce one simple movement that can make a major difference. It is “Static Back”, which is not as static as the name would suggest.

Static Back uses gravity and bodyweight and time. It naturally reorganizes and balances your spine. Providing both immediate and long-term benefits. I discovered Static Back in Pete Egoscue’s book, “Pain Free.” It is my first go-to for myself and my students with lower back pain. (It has many other benefits, but that’s for another story.)


  1.  Lie on your back (supine) with both legs bent at right angles (90°) on a chair, a couch, or a plyometric box.
  2. If your knees are flaring open, add a blanket or another riser to get the 90° angle.
  3. If your chin juts toward the ceiling and your cervical spine hyperextends, place a stack of wash clothes under your head. To support a more neutral cervical spine.
  4. If your chin juts toward the ceiling and your cervical spine hyperextends, place a stack of wash clothes under your head. To support a more neutral cervical spine.
  5. You may wish to place a mobility strip or a tightly rolled hand towel behind your waist. To create stability in the lumbar spine.
  6. Rest your hands on the floor with your palms up. If you have extreme rounded shoulders, start with palms down instead and gradually work up to palms up.
  7. You may want to place your arms out to your sides in a cactus shape (45° angle at your elbows and shoulders, palms up. This will release the entire spine, not just the lower back.
  8. Breathe in. Breathe out. Become aware of your breath.
  9. Let your lower back settle into the floor naturally. As a response to gravity and your bodyweight.
  10. Allow your pelvis to find neutral (no tilting).
  11. Allow your  hips and your shoulders to feel even.
  12. Allow your abs to relax.
  13. Relax your whole body, including your feet.
  14. Stay here for five to 10 minutes. Repeat as often as you desire and time allows.
  15. Don’t forget to breathe!
  16. Don’t use your cell phone!

Summing Up:

Lower Back Pain is a major health issue globally. When it occurs, we may want to stop moving to avoid the pain. But the latest research recommends staying active. Static Back is a movement that can help re-organize and balance the spine. It’s a great place to start.

[Medical disclaimer: This article is for education and information only. It is not a substitute for a doctor’s opinion.]

Photo Credit: 2015 Via in Oregon by April Floyd